Wednesday, October 19, 2011

2nd Minutes Of Meeting

19 October
Plug in

2nd Meeting of ModeCipher Group

Members Present
Wilfred Kok Jia Qiang (Current Group Representative)
Mark Yuen Leen Jin (Secretariat)
Khant Kyaw Nyein
Sin Cheong Loong

1) Review on initial proposal

Minutes of meeting

- Wilfred bought up the initial proposal details as mention in the previous meeting, the summary, projected timeline, scope, member roles, objectives, development methods to the group for open discussion

- Cheong Loong suggested that we should all research on the project and come up with an abstract of an understanding of the project and will combine all the information for the summary extract

- The remaining group members seconded the idea

- Wilfred propose that the group get their research on the summary by the next meeting.

- He also bought up the other details like member roles, project timeline, scope and development methods should be included in the initial proposal.

- The development method we have chosen so far is C++, but with adequate research done, this might be vary to change

- The group has concur that member roles should be assigned after we get the summary of the project.

- The projected timeline should be created by the group representative and will be up by the next meeting or subsequent meeting.

- The group then discussed on which day we should meet up to summarize on our proposal details, Cheong Loong suggested on a Saturday. Khant seconded the motion.

- The next group meeting will occurred on Saturday 25 October with our Supervisor.

- Wilfred called the meeting to an end.

Reported by Secretariat
Mark Yuen Leen Jin

Vetted By Group Representative
Wilfred Kok Jia Qiang

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