Saturday, October 15, 2011

Enter The Matrix

15th October. Plug In.

The day where we the few who have selected this topic are grouped together to identify each other as Project members and an introduction to CSCI 321 Final Year Project.
Our topic given is "Mode-Cipher Analysis Manager". After the introduction talk, the few of us who were identified to be in this project group met up for a short meeting with our Stand in supervisor - Mr Japit in regards to this Project.

Our group members are.
Mark Yuen Leen Jin
Khant Kyaw Nyein
Sin Cheong Loong and
Wilfred Kok Jia Qiang.

We immediately got to selecting a group Representative for the Project, while we did not come up with an immediate group representative, we decided with an approach that all the group members should have an opportunity to hold that position for a duration of time to experience what it is to lead a team. Hence we have agreed until the first Session (over a 2.5months span) to each take turns being the Group representative. The first 4-5 weeks group representative post shall be held by Wilfred. He started assigning task for each group member, Wilfred himself will contact the Project Supervisor(Client) in regards to the project plan and the creation of the blogspot for documentation purposes, Mark is to be taking down any minutes we have during any discussions and Sin Cheong Loong and Khant are to research on which development tools we will be using, with that, we ended the meeting on Saturday and proceeded to our assigned tasks.

Blogged By.
Group Representative - Wilfred

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