Saturday, December 31, 2011

Project Updates

29 December


- Enhancement on the Design has been updated by Cheong Loong

- Features included
- Encryption based on different algorithm/mode cipher
- Input methods (User selection or manual input)
- Display of Encrypted message

- Other functions to updates in future prototype includes
- Cipher text to be saved into a text file
- Decryption functions
- Performance of encryption based on time

- Current prototype version now is 0.2a

- Website progress by the website team indicates that the website status is up and can be reached by this link

- Website has been updated with content regarding on the project.

Included are screenshots of the current prototype updates

Main Menu

Updated Encryption Menu

Different file input methods

Algorithm and Mode Cipher selection

Encryption Results

Updated By Secretariat
Mark Yuen Leen Jin

Thursday, December 29, 2011

10th Minutes Of Meeting

22 December

Member Present
Wilfred Kok Jia Qiang
Mark Yuen Leen Jin (Secretariat)
Khant Kyaw Nyein
Sin Cheong Loong
Eugene Zhuang

1)Website design
2)GUI design
3)Programming design

Minutes of meeting

- The meeting started of with Eugene apologizing to the group that he was unavailable to attend the previous meeting.

- A presentation of a newer GUI for the prototype is shown to the group, which is deem 0.1b (photos attached)

- The coding implemented by Cheong Loong is partly integrated into the prototype and will be migrated to the newer GUI

- Cheong Loong stated that our development tool should be downgraded to Visual Studios 2008 from 2010 as we have some library issues with the newer versions

- The group representative reminded everyone to downgrade the tool if required.

- The website design has been decided and the website team will be working with it.

- Eugene volunteered to work with the website team as he has prior knowledge in creating websites.

- Hence the website team will consist of Mark Yuen and Eugene Zhuang.

- The group representative proposed that the website be linked in the blog and the blog in the website.

- Website team agreed to that idea and will implement it in the future site.

- The GUI was not greatly perceived and several suggestions to enhance it was recommended.

- Several website design ideas were shown to the floor, and also received feedback in regards to the design

- The appropriate members that were assigned to the parts have noted the problems and will work on the suggested proposals for the parts.

Prototype 0.1b Main Menu


Prototype 0.1b Encryption


Prototype 0.1b Decryption


Vetted By Secretariat
Mark Yuen Leen Jin

Monday, December 19, 2011

9th Minutes Of Meeting

19th December

Member Present
Wilfred Kok Jia Qiang
Mark Yuen Leen Jin (Secretariat)
Khant Kyaw Nyein
Sin Cheong Loong

Member Absent
Eugene Zhuang - Due to personal matters

1) Blog/Website discussion
2) Prototype Programming

Minutes of meeting

- The meeting started with the discussion of the prototype coding by Cheong Loong and Kyant Nyein.

- Both programmers reviewed their coding to incorporate into the prototype

- As mentioned in the previous meeting, Kyant Nyein was to work on the DES algorithm part of the coding while Cheong Loong will be attending to the AES algorithm section

- After evaluation of the coding, the programmers have concluded to implement the coding into the prototype

- A graphical user interface has been created and deem as prototype0.1a.

- The programming team will implement the coding within this prototype GUI

- The website team has been working on the design and content of the website, we have decided to use wordpress to host our website.

- Roles were assigned to the production of the prototype,

- Cheong Loong will continue to work on the coding and algorithms.

- Mark Yuen will be in charge of the design and content of the website

- Kyaw Nyein will be assisting Mark in the production of the website

- Wilfred will be assisting Cheong Loong with the production of the GUI and implementation of the coding when required.

- With that, the meeting was adjourned and production was on it's way

- A second meeting will be arranged this week to discuss on certain events.

Vetted By Secretariat
Mark Yuen Leen Jin

Prototype 0.1a GUI

Monday, December 12, 2011

8th Minutes Of Meeting

12th December

Members Present
Wilfred Kok Jia Qiang
Mark Yuen Leen Jin (Secretariat)
Khant Kyaw Nyein
Sin Cheong Loong
Eugene Zhuang

1) Project Assignment

- The group decided to meet up after the exams to finalize any planning for the program

- The roles that are issued to the group are based on
- Programming
- GUI Programming
- Website
- Technical/Documentation

- We all agreed on each taking different roles
- Wilfred and Mark are tasked upon the GUI Programming and the Website
- Cheong Loong is tasked on Encryption Programming based on AES
- Eugene and Kyant Nyein are tasked on Encryption Programming based on DES
- Each individual group are tasked on their on documentation of their agreed task.

- The group have agreed to meet up on the following week to compile the work of their agreed task

- Upon the agreement of the groups role, the group representative throw to the floor any inquires regarding the appointed task

- No inquires were made.

- Eugene informed the group that he will not be available on the Monday of the following week but will collaborate with Kyant Nyein on the assignment given.

- The group meeting was adjourned and the next meeting will occur the following week.

Vetted By Secretariat
Mark Yuen Leen Jin

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Group Notification

20 November

- As proposed by the group, all meetings are on hiatus due to the upcoming assignment rush and exam week in early December.

- Meetings will continued after the last paper. 8th December.

Vetted By Secretariat
Mark Yuen Leen Jin

Monday, November 14, 2011

7th Minutes Of Meeting

14 November

Members Present
Wilfred Kok Jia Qiang
Mark Yuen Leen Jin (Secretariat)
Khant Kyaw Nyein
Sin Cheong Loong
Eugene Zhuang

1) GUI Discussion
2) Project Workflow

- A meeting was called by the group representative to discuss on the GUI design for the program

- Each member was task to determine which software development tool should be used to create our GUI

- Wilfred and Cheong Loong suggested using Visual Studio Express as it provides a GUI interface for our choice of software development language C++.

- The choice of the development tool was based on other aspect such as accessibility and that it is a standardize tool for a lot of users in development aspects.

- The group concluded that more research should be done on this tool, and if it is feasible, we will use this tool for our GUI design.

- The project Workflow was also discussed after the GUI tool was done.

- The agreed workflow is :
a) When a user inputs a data file to encrypt, the algorithm will break the file according to its algorithm (128 bytes for AES) and will split up the file into that many blocks (for e.g a 1MB file will be split into 7.8 blocks of 128bytes)

b) The program will then begin encrypting the different blocks accordingly with the modes and encryption algorithm chosen.

c) The results will then be shown for each block on its performance and the total performance will be listed.

d) For decryption, the file will be also split up using the chosen combination encryption mode.

e) The program will then decrypt the blocks separately and will combine the blocks to form the complete plaintext.

- This is the agreed workflow for our prototype program.

- Group members are proposed to remember this workflow for our implementation.

- The meeting was adjourned by the group representative.

Vetted By Secretariat
Mark Yuen Leen Jin

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

6th Minutes Of Meeting

2nd November

- With several updates on research materials, a final proposal draft was compile and vetted through the members.

- Upon several updates, the final draft was vetted and was promoted to our Project Proposal.

- On which we send the proposal to our Supervisor Mr Tian.

Vetted By Group Representative
Wilfred Kok Jia Qiang

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

5th Minutes Of Meeting

1st November

Proposal Compilation

Members Present
Wilfred Kok Jia Qiang (Current Group Representative)
Mark Yuen Leen Jin (Secretariat)
Khant Kyaw Nyein
Sin Cheong Loong
Eugene Zhuang

1) Compilation of Proposal Research

- All group members submitted their research details on the 1st of November

- A Compilation of the first draft was created.

- Several versions were created as some details were not included

- Respective members are reassigned to gather some details by the end of the day or by the latest the 2nd of November

- Meeting was adjourned by Group Representative

Vetted By Secretariat
Mark Yuen Leen Jin

Friday, October 28, 2011

4th Minutes Of Meeting

28 October

4th Meeting of Mode Cipher Analysis Group

Members Present
Wilfred Kok Jia Qiang (Current Group Representative)
Mark Yuen Leen Jin (Secretariat)
Khant Kyaw Nyein
Sin Cheong Loong
Eugene Zhuang

1) Discussion of Project Proposal

Minutes of Meeting

- Wilfred bought up to the group that a proposal draft has been send to the group members

- Cheong Loong bought up the discussion on the main points of the proposal.

- Mark agreed with Cheong Loong and suggested to go through the points of the proposal as a group.

- The points of the proposal are

b. Goals and expected Outcome
c. Functions/Features of our project

a. Work that needs to be accomplished for our project to work

a. What problesm we will face
b. What solution are there

a. Environment, language used, etc

a. what each member will handle

a. what we will do over the 20 weeks

- Mark pointed out that the objectives aside from what features our project will consist should also include what we are aiming towards, like for example to help researchers accomplish their analysis in regards to cryptography algorithms

- Wilfred then issued out the research allocation on the proposal points
researching for the project proposal.

• This is our proposal allocation

a.Research (Kent)
b.Goals and expected Outcome (Cheong Loong)

2. SCOPE (Eugene/Mark)
a.Work that needs to be accomplished for our project to work
b.Functions/Features of our project

a.What problems we will face
b.What solution are there

a.Environment, language used, etc

a.what each member will handle

- Khant Kyew suggested that once the research is done, all research are to forward to the current group Representative to compile into a proposal draft.

- The deadline for all research to be submitted to the group representative is the 1st of November 2011. Tuesday

- Everyone seconded with the point

- Group representative then call the meeting to end.

Vetted By Group Representative
Wilfred Kok Jia Qiang

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

3rd Minutes Of Meeting

25 October

3rd Meeting of Mode Cipher Analysis Group

Members Present
Wilfred Kok Jia Qiang (Current Group Representative)
Mark Yuen Leen Jin (Secretariat)
Khant Kyaw Nyein
Sin Cheong Loong
Eugene Zhuang (Newly Addition)

1) Meet up with Supervisor
2) Project proposal details
3) Project discussion

Minutes of Meeting

- The group met up with our Project supervisor, Mr Tian

- An additional member was added to our group, Eugene Zhuang

- Mr Tian, explained to us the requirements of our project

- The idea is to create a program which enables to encrypt/decrypt data

- The assumption is based that our project will be used by researchers to analysis the performance on different combinations of encryption and mode ciphers

- The analysis of performance is based mostly on encryption timing.

- The program should include different cipher modes like ECB,OFB,CFB,CBC,PCBC and Counter Mode.

- The encryption algorithm is to be chosen by us, and we have agreed on using DES and AES.

- Mr Tian mentioned about additional features like multi-threaded/parallel processing.

- Multi threading encryption splits up the packets into equal individual packets and our program will handle encrypting each packets individually.

- There is a possibility that certain algorithm and modes might be not the most efficient way to go about and our program should display the results for each individual thread,(if each thread is chosen a different algorithm/mode)

- This is to allow the researchers to compare the results individually.

- The objective of the project is to create a program that allows encryption/decryption of data with different modes that can be chosen by the researcher, the project will then produces results which can be compared.

- Mr Tian also gave us a brief summary of what our proposal should contain, mainly the points that we have reviewed are included.

- In conclusion, a Deadline for the proposal was issued, and was concluded that on the 2nd of November 2011, we are to submit a full proposal to Mr Tian.

- At 2030hrs, the meeting was adjourned.

Vetted By Secretariat
Mark Yuen Leen Jin

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

2nd Minutes Of Meeting

19 October
Plug in

2nd Meeting of ModeCipher Group

Members Present
Wilfred Kok Jia Qiang (Current Group Representative)
Mark Yuen Leen Jin (Secretariat)
Khant Kyaw Nyein
Sin Cheong Loong

1) Review on initial proposal

Minutes of meeting

- Wilfred bought up the initial proposal details as mention in the previous meeting, the summary, projected timeline, scope, member roles, objectives, development methods to the group for open discussion

- Cheong Loong suggested that we should all research on the project and come up with an abstract of an understanding of the project and will combine all the information for the summary extract

- The remaining group members seconded the idea

- Wilfred propose that the group get their research on the summary by the next meeting.

- He also bought up the other details like member roles, project timeline, scope and development methods should be included in the initial proposal.

- The development method we have chosen so far is C++, but with adequate research done, this might be vary to change

- The group has concur that member roles should be assigned after we get the summary of the project.

- The projected timeline should be created by the group representative and will be up by the next meeting or subsequent meeting.

- The group then discussed on which day we should meet up to summarize on our proposal details, Cheong Loong suggested on a Saturday. Khant seconded the motion.

- The next group meeting will occurred on Saturday 25 October with our Supervisor.

- Wilfred called the meeting to an end.

Reported by Secretariat
Mark Yuen Leen Jin

Vetted By Group Representative
Wilfred Kok Jia Qiang

Monday, October 17, 2011

1st Minutes Of Meeting

17th October

Minutes of meeting 1st Meeting of ModeCipher Group

Members present
Wilfred Kok Jia Qiang (Current Group Representative)
Mark Yuen Leen Jin (Secretariat)
Khant Kyaw Nyein
Sin Cheong Loong

Agenda :
1)To discuss on initial proposal
2)Review on assigned task

Minutes of meeting

- Wilfred bought up the matters of the assigned task to each members
he discussed that the blog for documentation and minutes is created and if needed should go through him in order to publish any documentation/minutes/info

- The Secretariat is also assigned to update any minutes via Wilfred

- Khant show his researched regarding mode ciphers via Java, as he is knowledgeable on the language, this was taken into consideration as a development tool

- Cheong Loong suggested using C++ as that is the common development tool among the group member.

- Wilfred agrees with Cheong Loong as it was a language that all the group member knows but encourages Khant to continue on Java just in case the libraries are not available via C++

- The group then discuss on what the proposal should be included.

- The initial proposal was to be finalize with the basic information such as group data, project summary, our projected timeline, document versions, objectives, our scopes , group member roles and our development method.

- Mark suggested that we created a initial proposal by the end of the week

- Cheong Loong and Khant was again once assigned to research more on the development tools/method

- Cheong Loong also suggested that in our proposal we should also have added our problems/limitations if we faced

- The group then discussed on which day we should meet up to discuss on our proposal details, Khant suggested on a Wednesday. Wilfred seconded the motion.

- The next group meeting will occurred on Wednesday

Reported by Secretariat
Mark Yuen Leen Jin

Vetted By Group Representative
Wilfred Kok Jia Qiang

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Enter The Matrix

15th October. Plug In.

The day where we the few who have selected this topic are grouped together to identify each other as Project members and an introduction to CSCI 321 Final Year Project.
Our topic given is "Mode-Cipher Analysis Manager". After the introduction talk, the few of us who were identified to be in this project group met up for a short meeting with our Stand in supervisor - Mr Japit in regards to this Project.

Our group members are.
Mark Yuen Leen Jin
Khant Kyaw Nyein
Sin Cheong Loong and
Wilfred Kok Jia Qiang.

We immediately got to selecting a group Representative for the Project, while we did not come up with an immediate group representative, we decided with an approach that all the group members should have an opportunity to hold that position for a duration of time to experience what it is to lead a team. Hence we have agreed until the first Session (over a 2.5months span) to each take turns being the Group representative. The first 4-5 weeks group representative post shall be held by Wilfred. He started assigning task for each group member, Wilfred himself will contact the Project Supervisor(Client) in regards to the project plan and the creation of the blogspot for documentation purposes, Mark is to be taking down any minutes we have during any discussions and Sin Cheong Loong and Khant are to research on which development tools we will be using, with that, we ended the meeting on Saturday and proceeded to our assigned tasks.

Blogged By.
Group Representative - Wilfred