Thursday, February 23, 2012

19th Minutes Of Meeting

23 February 2012

Member Present
Wilfred Kok Jia Qiang
Mark Yuen Leen Jin (Secretariat)
Khant Kyaw Nyein
Sin Cheong Loong
Eugene Zhuang

1) Meeting up with Supervisor.
2) Finalizing documentation.

- We met up with our supervisor to get any updates regarding our presentation.

- He advised us on updating our current documentation to the current states, adding in additional features or functions.

- He also mention to create a presentation plan to allocate who will be presenting the different sections of the project, he advised us on certain aspects to add in to our documentation and presentations, such as our market research and our core features.

- We will meet up with our supervisor next week for any final presentation matters.

- With that, our meeting with our supervisor adjourned.

- The group proceeded to meet up on their own to conduct a last meeting for the week.

- As documentation assignments were already given, each member were refined to incorporate our supervisor's pointers to their documentation parts.

- Therefore, our meeting is adjourned.

Vetted By Secretariat
Mark Yuen Leen Jin

Vetted By Secretariat
Mark Yuen Leen Jin

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